How to Generate High-Quality Leads For Free

Buy my Agency Bundle and Get Google Map Extractor for free worth $49.

This offer is only for the first 101 people and will automatically close after that.

Believe me, last time it sold out super fast, so grab the offer now!

  • Includes a step-by-step video guide on using the Google Map Extractor.
  • People who previously purchased this bundle can access this for free.

The bundle includes-

Proposal, Contract, Invoice Templates
🔑 Client Onboarding & Payment Reminders
📊 Monthly Reporting Templates
📧 Cold Mailing & LinkedIn Message Templates
📅 Social Media Content Calendars
🌟 Review/Testimonial & Referral Templates
and Google Map extractor(Only for first 101 people)

Become more professional and never lose your pay using these templates.

Make a one-time investment and use it for a lifetime. Get it for a price less than a pizza!

You’ll get lifetime updates on this bundle.

Get it now for 50% off.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Define Your Industry and Location

  1. Choose the Industry
    Think about the industry you want to engage with. For example, if you want to sell digital marketing services to Yoga centers in Delhi, India, write down “Yoga center” in the keyword section.
  2. Add the Location
    Enter the location you are targeting. In this case, type “Delhi”.
  3. Generate Data
    Click on the “Generate Data” button. It may take several minutes to gather the data. Once done, you can download all the data.

Step 2: Utilize the Data

  1. Extract Contact Information
    You now have the phone numbers and email IDs of your target audience.
  2. Send Emails Using Bravo
    Use Bravo to send emails to your contacts.
  3. Send WhatsApp Messages Manually
    Manually send WhatsApp messages to generate high-quality leads. You don’t need to save the number to send a message. Just type the number in the chat, click on it, and you can send a message without saving the number.
  4. Efficiency
    You can easily send 100 messages in an hour or less.

Step 3: Crafting Your Message

  1. Initial Contact
    Send the first message: “Hi, are you the famous Yoga center in Delhi?” The person will likely reply “yes”.
  2. Pitch Your Service
    Only pitch your service to those who reply. Showcase your expertise in their industry. For example, you could say:
    “We have helped several Yoga centers across the country to increase their footfall every day. Our clients have seen an 80% increase in footfall using our secret marketing strategy. Book a Free consultation call Now!”

Step 4: Follow-Up and Conversion

  1. Response Rate
    By sending 100 WhatsApp messages, you can easily get 80+ replies since the data is authentic from Google.
  2. Appointments and Conversions
    You can easily book 5-6 appointments and convert a few of them into clients.

Step 5: Professionalism and Agreements

  1. Work Professionally
    Never work without agreements. Use the templates provided in the bundle for agreements and other necessary documents.

Step 6: Exclusive Offer

Buy my Agency Bundle and Get Google Map Extractor for free worth $49.

This offer is only for the first 101 people and will automatically close after that.

Believe me, last time it sold out super fast, so grab the offer now!

  • Includes a step-by-step video guide on using the Google Map Extractor.
  • People who previously purchased this bundle can access this for free.

The bundle includes-

Proposal, Contract, Invoice Templates
🔑 Client Onboarding & Payment Reminders
📊 Monthly Reporting Templates
📧 Cold Mailing & LinkedIn Message Templates
📅 Social Media Content Calendars
🌟 Review/Testimonial & Referral Templates
and Google Map extractor(Only for first 101 people)

Become more professional and never lose your pay using these templates.

Make a one-time investment and use it for a lifetime. Get it for a price less than a pizza!

You’ll get lifetime updates on this bundle.

Get it now for 50% off.

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