PS4 Lan Cable Not Connected

PS4 Lan Cable Not Connected Fix in a minute

PS4 is a favorite not just for teenagers but also for many adults. There are so many people today who love to play games on PS4 in their free time or to have fun with friends. But while you wish to enjoy your favorite game on PS4, a very common issue that has been coming up quite often is of PS4 LAN cable not connected.

Troubleshoot “PS4 Lan Cable Not Connected”

Often we use LAN connections to get higher internet speed. But when the PS4 LAN cable does not connect, you are not able to avail of such a benefit. If you are someone who is facing such a problem, you can try out any of the solutions that are mentioned below.

Rebooting the Router:

Let us start with the easiest solution. Here, you need to reboot your router when you see the notification of a LAN cable not connected to PS4. Follow these steps after restarting your router.
1 – Click on the Settings option on your PS4.
2 – Go to the option of Network.
3 – Go to the option of Setting up Internet Connection.
4 – Now select the LAN connection that you have.
5 – Now click on the option of Easy.

After you have completed the above-mentioned steps, you will get a notification stating that your internet settings are updated.

If this does not work, try rebooting your pS4 too along with the router, and then follow the above-mentioned steps.

Changing the DNS Settings:

The next solution is to change the Domain Name System or the DNS. You can follow these steps for doing so.
1 – Go to Settings and then the Network option
2 – Now, you have to click on the option of Setup Internet Connection.
3 – Next, you have to choose a LAN connection.
4 – Now choose custom.
5 – Choose the setting of the Automatic IP address.
6 – Make sure not to specify the DHCP Hostname.
7 – Next, go to DNS settings and choose Manual.
8 – Enter the primary DNS as and then as the secondary DNS.
9 – Now go to MTU Settings and choose the option Automatic.
10 – Make sure that you do not use the proxy server.
Now check whether the internet connection is working or not.

Setting up a Static IP Address:

If the solution of changing DNS settings does not work, then only you should use the solution of setting up a Static IP address. Follow these steps to use this solution when you face the trouble of the PS4 LAN cable disconnecting randomly.
1. First, go to the option of settings.
2. Go to Networks under settings.
3. Now go to View Connection Status.
4. From the connection status, you have to note down somewhere the default gateway, subnet mask, and the IP address.
5. Now go back and go to the option of Setting up Internet Connection.
6. Now use the LAN connection option.
7. Under the option of custom, select the option Manual that comes up on the next screen.
8. Now you have to provide the details that you noted down earlier. Here, you have to make sure that you provide just the first 3 numbers of the IP address followed by any number of your choice between 2 and 255.
9. Now choose automatic MTU. Make sure that you do not use any proxy server.
Hopefully, the Ps4 will detect the LAN and the internet will start running smoothly.

Rebuilding the Database

There are some cases where you have to rebuild the database which can consume some time. Here are the steps that you need to follow.
1. Switch off the PS4 and hold for 10 seconds the power button. The PS4 will boot as the beep sound comes.
2. Connect a micro USB or a charging cable to the PS4.
3. Now press the controller’s PlayStation button.
4. Using the D-pad and the X button, select the option of Rebuild Database.
5. Now, wait for the homepage to come up after some time.

After completing all these steps, you have to log into your account and then have to connect the LAN cable with the PS4. If you find any of the games missing at this stage, you can simply go to account management under settings and can restore the games.

PS4 Lan Cable keeps disconnecting?

If your plan cable keeps disconnecting then there must be some problem with your cable, It can be possible your cable is loose/old/worn out, so you can try changing your old Lan cable with a new one.
Hopefully, following any of the above solutions can help you in getting the connection established. But if still, the problem exists, then you should check and get a different router or a different cable type. Also, try cleaning or changing the ethernet plug or the MTU. If everything fails, then only you should take up the initiative to call up the experts of the internet service to have a look at the problem.

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